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Why I Founded Swapzle


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Why I Founded Swapzle

Zane Wruble

For most of my adult life I have been obsessed with puzzles (also: giant Lego sets). Maybe “obsessed” is too strong of a word, but my friends who’ve seen the piles of puzzles in my apartment and recurring pictures of completed puzzles on my Instagram story might think it’s accurate.

What I only recently realized, however, is that there are a lot of people out there who love puzzles too. For me it’s a way to keep my hands busy during my Netflix binge-fests or while keeping up with my latest podcasts; for others it’s a social activity.

The problem is, an individual puzzle is a bit of a sunk cost. Unless you’re into framing them once complete, it’s a one-and-done project that then gathers dust in a closet. I tried to give away all my various puzzles to similarly-minded friends, but I just kept buying more.

And then the idea for Swapzle was born.

By subscribing to Swapzle, users will gain access to our full collection of puzzles, Legos, and possibly other one-time projects as demand grows! The idea is to mimic a Rent-the-Runway or Netflix model: complete one project, send it back, and get a new one! No need to invest in individual projects as we do that for you, and there is no need to worry about storage or handing down completed projects since we own them all!

We designed the pricing to be subscription model so that members can complete their puzzles (or other projects) on their own timeline - there is no rush to complete any project and get it back to us on an arbitrary timeline. And the most hardcore puzzlers can access as many puzzles as they want.

Swapzle is not just for hardcore puzzlers, however. Expect to see future content from us on how incorporating puzzle or Lego building into your life can be beneficial as a new hobby! Check out our Collection Shop to see what’s currently in stock, and let us know if there’s more you want to see!

We are a new company and currently running as a one-woman shop. It is very important that Swapzle provide the best possible experience to our members, so we encourage you to follow us on social media and send us feedback! We are @swapzle on Instagram and Swapzle on Facebook.